Sunrise and Moonset Over the Great South Bay
A friend of mine is planning his retirement. He’s looking at places in the Midwest. Ugh. I could never live so far from the ocean. I need the smell of the salt air, fresh fish, a place to sail my boat, and the sound of crashing surf.
I guess living on Long Island has spoiled me. I’ve spent my entire life on the water and I still can’t get enough of it. Take me away from the coast and I feel somewhat less than whole.
On my way to work this morning I noticed a beautiful full moon setting over Main Street. Six and a half minutes later I was on the shore of the Great South Bay taking pictures of it, and the rising sun.
Both of these pictures were taken at the same time.
The first picture is of the moon setting and was taken looking West towards Robert Moses Causeway.
The second picture was taken looking East towards Heckscher State Park.
It’s scenes like this that keep me in love with Long Island.

Looking West at 5:55am. The full moon sets over Long Island's Great South Bay. The barely visible lights are the Robert Moses Causeway leading to Fire Island.