Founded in 1919, the American Legion is an organization of wartime veterans that works to preserve the rights and interests of all U.S. veterans while at the same time serving America through community service activities.
The local posts, over 50 on Long Island, serve their communities directly with fundraising and volunteer work, and are the social centers of many veterans lives.
In short, these local posts are important not only to the people directly involved but to their surrounding communities as well.
Here’s a letter I received from Robert DeVito, commander of the Griswold – Terry – Glover post in Southold. Commander DeVito is in the midst of a fundraising campaign with a slight twist. After serving Southold for more than 60 years, this time, it’s the post that needs help.
Increased costs of operation, much needed building repairs, and competition from other catering facilities has placed this post under severe financial pressure.
Commander DeVito is doing his best to turn things around, and I can’t help but feel that these guys deserve a little support.

Southold, New York
From the Desk of the Commander;
As your Commander, I have to present you with some distressing news. Our G- T-G Post 803 is under a severe financial strain. Our expenses are rapidly exceeding our income. Some reasons for this are competition for our bingo players from other large gambling casinos. Another reason is that our Post caterers and our Hall are experiencing competition from local wineries that cater other parties and events.
We are all aware of the expenses for living these days. Some of our members are not aware of the financial burden of our Post. In the year 2005, the cost to operate our Post was approximately $60,000.00. The insurance and utilities alone represented almost half of that amount. The cost to maintain our Post, that is, the interior and exterior of our building is included in the above total amount. Some of the weekly and monthly expenses include carting trash, lawn maintenance and insect control, once monthly. General maintenance within the building requires a cleaning lady. Since the cost of these services continues to increase, we are finding it more difficult to cover these expenses.
There are members of the Post, the Ladies Auxiliary, along with members of the Son’s of the Legion who are working hard in order to keep our Post. There are certain items such as shingle repair, gutter replacement, wood rot, and painting that need to be done on the exterior of the building. There are also interior upgrades of the building that need to be addressed. These current conditions must be repaired otherwise the building will fall apart on us. We are in dire need of monetary donations in order to meet our many expenses.
Some of you may be asking how your annual membership dues are utilized. Three quarters of your membership dues are allotted to the state and county legion organizations. This leaves about ten dollars for our local Post 803. We have no control over these disbursements! I am sure this gives you a good picture as to where we stand financially.
I am attempting to address this financial shortfall by implementing a pledge drive. A donation of $100.00 or more, or whatever you can afford, from each member, would help keep this Post on the road to financial stability. Many of us have enjoyed the legion parades, functions and gatherings in our town. Let us enjoy many more good times at our Post! Please help to do your part to save our G- T -G Post 803. Can I count on you to take part in this pledge?
Please make checks payable to American Legion Post 803 General Fund.
Thanking you in advance,

Commander, G-T-G Post 803.
Mail all contributions to:
Griswold – Terry – Glover Post, No. 803
P.O. Box 591
Southold, NY 11971