Memorial Day 2011
This Memorial Day we decided to visit Sagamore Hill, the home of Teddy Roosevelt. The short road trip took us through the picturesque town of Oyster Bay where we found a couple of nice places to eat and a beach with scenic views.
The highlight of the day however, was folding the huge American flag at Teddy Roosevelt’s home. We were there for the last tour of the day and our timing couldn’t have been better: it was time to take the flag down and we were offered the chance to help.
What a great experience it was holding that flag. At Roosevelt’s house. on Memorial Day.

The beautiful Oyster Bay Harbor

The oyster sloop Christeen is a National Historic Landmark

We stopped at Bonanza's for hot dogs. They've been here for over 100 years.

Sagamore Hill. Roosevelt built this house when he was only 25.

Bacon cheeseburger at Canterbury's
Sagamore Hill is now on their summer schedule–open 7 days a week. If want to tour the house now is the time to do it because the house will be closed for 2 years for renovations.