Who ordered this?
As much as I love a good storm, I’m getting tired of all this snow. The last thing I needed was a blizzard the day after Christmas. Another storm, before the streets are even fully clear from the first one, is not my idea of a good time. It is very pretty though…

The view out my back door.

The driveway. Ugh.
Bill, it looks beautiful to me, maybe because I miss LI so much!
Comment by Mari — January 13, 2011 @ 6:40 am
The East End was hit pretty good this time. Here in Nassau County we only received about 8 inches as opposed to the 20+ inches on the East End. At least getting snowed in allowed you to blog about it. 😉
Comment by David Daniels — January 13, 2011 @ 7:19 am
It’s so nice to hear from you, Mari. The snow is beautiful, but it has been causing so much trouble here. I usually love the snow, but this year I feel different about it for some reason. I don’t know why.
Comment by Bill — January 14, 2011 @ 6:18 am
8 inches would have have been better, Dave. I learned something with this storm, and that is to park the cars single file in my driveway instead of side by side. That should make the snow removal easier.
“At least getting snowed in allowed you to blog about it.”
True. I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog lately. Between school and my job I’ve had very little free time. The amount of homework they dish out for a computer science degree is amazing.
Comment by Bill — January 14, 2011 @ 6:24 am