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January 1, 2009

Dawn of a New Year

Filed under: Sand, Sea & Sky,Winter by Bill @ 6:29 pm

While some people were afraid it might be too cold out or that there’d be too much sand on the beach 🙂  yours truly braved the sand, sea and bitter cold to bring you this beautiful Long Island sunrise.

Way off in the distance you can just make out Fire Island as a dark band on the horizon.

While I was wandering the beach I came across this horseshoe crab frozen to the eelgrass that’s been washed ashore.


Horseshoe crabs are one of my favorite sea creatures. They’re perfectly harmless in spite of the way they look, have great medical potential, and have been around for millions of years.

The morning was finger-numbing cold, clear, and absolutely beautiful. Hope we have much more of the same on Long Island in 2009.


  1. Beautiful sunrise picture! I was thinking how wonderful it would be to greet the sun at the shore on New Year’s Day. Then, I rolled over and went back to sleep. LOL!

    I love horseshoe crabs, too. I had taken my son to Jones Beach Nature Center and we went to look for them by the bay. I was surprised to learn that they’re not really crabs, but part of the spider family.

    Comment by Barbara Levy — January 1, 2009 @ 10:51 pm

  2. I know the feeling, Barbara. It’s tough getting up in the cold and I almost didn’t bother.

    I met my first horseshoe crab as a little kid when we used to spend weekends at Watch Hill, Fire Island. Every summer I would sign up for as many nature walks, talks, & hikes as I could.

    I learned all about plants, animals, ship wrecks, rip tides, stars, sand dunes.

    It was a great way for a kid to spend the summer.

    Comment by Bill — January 2, 2009 @ 5:43 am

  3. Hi Bill,

    We met a couple of summers ago at otto’s down on the nautical mile where my husband’s band Strung Out was playing.
    How was are?? I must say the photos on your blogs are breath taking..Great Job!!

    Alot has all things do. Greg is now playing live music solo. And doing a great job I might add.
    I wrote the link down for his website..check it..
    Love to see you at a gig!
    Keep those gorgeous photos coming!!

    Comment by Suzin Varro — February 4, 2009 @ 8:30 pm

  4. I LOVE your photos. All these winter ones are so very beautiful! I’m so glad it’s may and getter warmer, but your photos make winter look good.

    Comment by christina — May 25, 2009 @ 12:31 am

  5. You love my photos? That’s incredible because I LOVE your watercolors. I am extremely flattered to receive such a wonderful compliment from such a talented person. Thank you.

    Comment by Bill — May 25, 2009 @ 7:38 am

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